

By 08.12.2021 No Comments

With the current update, the shortcuts are back in InterSim III Interface!

The shortcuts for Rhythms and Blocks were defined with Ctrl + letter in InterSim II. The change for InterSim III is that you now have to use Shift + Ctrl + letter.

Close application  Alt+X
Reset  Ctrl+R
Sinus Rhythm  Shift+Ctrl+S
Sinus Brady  Shift+Ctrl+R
Sinus Tachy  Shift+Ctrl+N
Atrial Flutter  Shift+Ctrl+F
Atrial Fibrillation  Shift+Ctrl+G
AVNRT  Shift+Ctrl+A
LV Tachy, medium  Shift+Ctrl+Y
Ventricular Flutter  Shift+Ctrl+U
Ventricular Fibrillation, coarse  Shift+Ctrl+T
1:1 Conduction Shift+Ctrl+C
AV Block I  Shift+Ctrl+D
AV Block III  Shift+Ctrl+V
Retrograde Conduction  Shift+Ctrl+O
Accessory Pathway  Shift+Ctrl+P
